The short, delirious prose stories in Lokomotivføreren og andre fortællinger (The Locomotive Driver and other stories) alternate between surreal nightmares, whimsical metafiction and elaborate and absurd silliness that are bound together by a feeling of being lost; of being on the verge of exhaustion; of never reaching what you are looking for. A book filled with adventures, disappointments, grey bureaucracy and overlooked aspects of reality.
In Lokomotivføreren og andre fortællinger, the author plays (self-)ironically with the reader's expectations of what a story is and how to tell it, as in the monologue Karfunflerne (The carfunkles) which is told by a man who has forgotten what carfunkles really are. The texts are strangely fascinating and paradoxical.
The book is in Danish.
Translated from the French by Rasmus Stenfalk.
Illustrated by Claude Ballaré
148 pages, booklet
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€ 25,00Price
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