This book is in DANISH
Efter flere års henlæggelse i mørket under en kiste i Christian Kirkes krypt, kommer Kund Langkows (Dunk Wokgnal) mystiske manus NAT OVER VANDHOLT endelig frem i lyset.
Forlaget Baggaardsbaroner præsenterer for første gang værket i en helvedes lækker ud- givelse med efterord af Satan selv (Danmarks første black metalforsanger Ustumallagam), gotisk håndskrift, obskure billeder, satansegl og biografisk forord af Rikke Mia Skovdal.
After years of lying in the dark under a coffin in Christian Church's crypt, Kund Langkow's (Dunk Wokgnal) mysterious script NIGHT OVER VANDHOLT finally comes to light.
Forlaget Baggaardsbaroner presents the work for the first time in a hellish publication with afterwords by Satan himself (Denmark's first black metal lead singer Ustumallagam), Gothic handwriting, obscure pictures, satan seal and biographical foreword by Rikke Mia Skovdal.
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